Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Crutch Tips # 2

 Water, Ice, and Grease

Slippery surfaces are to be approached with extreme caution if even at all.

Water covered surfaces can be navigated with caution depending on the slickness of the surface.
Ice covered surfaces are to be avoided all together.
Grease covered surfaces can also be navigated with even more caution than that of wet surfaces.
It is very important not to commit to putting weight on either crutch until you are sure that the crutch will not slip out from under you.
Always plant your crutch first to make sure you have a firm grip on the walking surface and then put just enough weight on the crutch or crutches to make a small step.
Always keep your center of gravity grounded with your body and not shifting the full weight of your body forward on the crutches and always try to standup straight as you are walking.

Use these tips and navigating slippery surfaces should result in much less chance of falling, slipping, or bodily injury.

Stay safe!